Back to school poem for classrooms

Back to School Poem for Parents

Dear Teachers,

One of the hardest things to do when school starts is to inform parents about your expectations for the parents. Nutrition can be a sensitive subject and there is not a parent out there that thinks that their food choices would actually harm their child but unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation and advertising that serves to negatively influence and educate parents. As a teacher you serve as a role model yourself and you have the ability to influence them not only scholastically and emotionally but nutritionally and physically.
Here is a fun poem that can be sent home during the first week of school to encourage a healthy start for the school year.
Have a great school year!

Brandi Thompson RD, LD/N
P.S. Attached is a list of healthy snacks and lunch box basics.
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Welcome to your new class I am excited you are here!
Just a couple of ideas to keep you healthy while you are here…
Please bring snacks that are free
of sugar, chemicals and nuts from a tree.
Please pack a lunch with protein and whole grains,
remember that these things fuel our brains!
Sides of cut fruits and veggies
will please even the littlest of tummies.
Water is the drink of choice that works best,
to hydrate the body and keep it feeling its best.
Please limit the juices for a special treat, because a
juice has as much sugar as a soda, which stinks!
Eat breakfast every day and go out and play.
Try to sleep at least 8 hours per night,
so that you are focused and bright.
If a celebration is near we want our classroom to
cheer for the reason and message for the festivities
and not the sugar filled goodies.
When your bellies are full of healthy foods,
your bodies will thank you and your brains will too!

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