I write about kids health and nutrition because
I can, I should and I desire to.
Over five years ago I had my first child and dove right into motherhood with all sorts of delusions about feeding children. Breast milk was my first challenge which after a rough start went successfully. Then at around six months of age I started our son on solids which proved to be challenging. As I sat day after day trying to figure out what to feed him that would boost his nutrition I realized that other parents were likely in the same boat. Our daughter was born three years later and around the time that I started her on solids Mrs. Obama started her Let's Move Initiative and Jamie Oliver began his North American promotion to help our schools.
As I sat nursing and feeding our daughter I thought to myself..I can help! I want to help! I should help because I am a nutrition expert! I decided that I could jump in and spread the word about childhood nutrition and help decrease the childhood obesity epidemic as well as the chronic diseases that accompany obesity. I started a free weekly e-newsletter, started soliciting local schools, started a school garden at my son's preschool and then eventually launched my blog all under the name of ABCD Eat Right. I write about weekly topics that encourage healthy habits, promote physical activity, provide healthy recipes and discuss ways to involve kids in healthy art or activities. I continue to write because I know that parents have questions and may not know who to ask so I aspire to be there for them!
Happy blogging!
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