Starting the new year can be a hectic time. Organizing the morning routine can be a tricky task and often breakfast gets left out of the picture. It's important to remember that breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. Children, and adults, who eat breakfast not only perform better in school and sports but have reportedly have better behavior at work and in the classroom.
Eating any old breakfast also won't do. So skip the sugary cereal aisle and focus on breakfast foods that are protein and fiber rich in order to provide the best nutritious punch for your money.
Here are the top 5 best breakfasts to kick off
the new school year!
1. Yogurt parfait (layer nonfat Greek vanilla yogurt with granola and fruit (blueberries or bananas)
2. Whole grain waffle with peanut butter and banana

3. Scrambled egg with cheese sandwich on whole wheat toast and a banana to go
4. Smoothie (Add any variety of low fat milk or yogurt, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, frozen fruit, avocado, and bananas)
5. Trail mix to go (mix up Cheerios, nuts, seeds, raisins, dried cranberries and dried mangoes)
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