Monday, April 14, 2014

Earth Day Snacks- Recycled Trail mix, Deliciously "Clean" Dirt Cake, Rice cake world in your hands and much more....

Earth Day was established in the 1970's to promote the health of the Earth and provided educational opportunities to all ages concerning how they can improve and maintain the future of our planet. Typically children plant seeds or maybe a tree, learn about the life cycle of a plant or possibly visit a farm. Some people participate in a litter cleanup project or raise money with a fun run. This year combine your Earth Day festivities with healthy snacks. Here is a list of healthy snack ideas some were found on Pinterest and other healthy sites such as: and

  1. A healthy tree (cucumber slices shaped like hearts hanging from a pretzel tree). There are a million different options we could do with different fruits and vegetables, have fun and make it your own. For the idea photographed above click here for the recipe.

2. The whole world in your hand snack – rice cake topped with low-fat cream cheese, blueberries and sliced grapes.

    4.Deliciously "Clean" Dirt cake – Healthy version 2.0- Use granola as the topping above a layer of low fat chocolate pudding or low fat Greek yogurt. Fill in with gummy worms or Annie's gummy bunnies or yogurt covered raisins to look like rocks, and pretzel sticks to look like twigs. Click here for the recipe.

5. Blue-green popcorn- Use India Tree gel food colors to color the popcorn and agave nectar to sweeten it. For the original recipe click here.

  6. Ocean and Jungle smoothie- Blend together an avocado and soy or almond milk for the green, Then separately blend blueberries and low fat yogurt for the blue. Then swirl together. For the original recipe click here.

7. Kale Chips- Wash and tear into 2 inch pieces a bunch of kale excluding the stems. Toss with 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Massage in the oil and salt. Roast at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until crispy but not burned. 

8. Desert Dessert- Wash and trim a bunch of broccoli cutting off the tips of the broccoli. Spread a half of a graham cracker square with nut butter and place a broccoli floret on top of the nut butter.

9. Steamed Edemame
So whether you are writing about Earth Day in class or using some elbow grease cleaning a beach or planting a garden take a smart snack break and refuel your body with these healthier snacks.

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  1. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are known to result in headaches, respiratory problems, and other related illnesses. However there are no such issues with green house cleaners.
