Staying hydrated is an important part to staying healthy during the school year. Although children may not be in the hot sun as much they will still work up a thirst in the classroom as their biggest muscle organ (their brains) start exerting themselves in scholastic exercise.
How much does a child need to drink?
A child needs 6-8 cups of fluid per day.
One cup is equivalent to 240 milliliters which is equal to 8 ounces.
What counts as fluid?
-Water (the best hydrating liquid around)

-100% juice (limited amounts due to the high amount of sugar and extra empty calories)
-Anything that is a liquid at room temperature (soup, Popsicle, smoothies, pudding etc.)

What are the signs of dehydration?
Fatigue or tiredness
Lethargy or sleepiness/less active
Vomiting or nausea
Dry skin
Dry or sticky mouth
And often times hunger
Thumbs up to low fat milk, water and 100% juice.
Thumbs down to sports drinks, energy drinks, sodas and non-100% juice drinks.
Join us all throughout August as we build a healthy lunch box and keep the kids healthy throughout the year!
Facebook: ABCD Eat Right & Americas Dietitian
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