Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hydrating the lunch box. A key to reducing fatigue and increasing energy as the school year kicks off.

Staying hydrated is an important part to staying healthy during the school year. Although children may not be in the hot sun as much they will still work up a thirst in the classroom as their biggest muscle organ (their brains) start exerting themselves in scholastic exercise.  

How much does a child need to drink? 
A child needs 6-8 cups of fluid per day. 
One cup is equivalent to 240 milliliters which is equal to 8 ounces. 

What counts as fluid? 
-Water (the best hydrating liquid around)
-Milk (low fat and skim milk)
-100% juice (limited amounts due to the high amount of sugar and extra empty calories)
-Anything that is a liquid at room temperature (soup, Popsicle, smoothies, pudding etc.)

What are the signs of dehydration? 
Fatigue or tiredness
Lethargy or sleepiness/less active
Vomiting or nausea
Dry skin
Dry or sticky mouth
And often times hunger

Thumbs up to low fat milk, water and 100% juice.

Thumbs down to sports drinks, energy drinks, sodas and non-100% juice drinks.

Join us all throughout August as we build a healthy lunch box and keep the kids healthy throughout the year! 


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