Saturday, August 9, 2014

Worst emails and uninspiring verbiage that got me mad and motivated

I recently received an email that was disappointing and discouraging at first. A message was left on my website that said "Why don't you clowns stay the hell out of school lunches and other peoples life. You and the clown first lady need to go find something to do". 

Really? I thought. Who would write something like that? Who would actually take time out of their day to write something so ridiculous and what would they have to gain from it? 

Many questions circulated my thoughts for the entire day after reading that message on a bright and sunny Sunday morning. Then  I thought that maybe I was making a difference in kids lives and that this person was not understanding the big picture. So where do I go from here? Well I am definitely not going to stop. I may be just one small dietitian, but I can make a difference!

August is Kids Eat Right month and I definitely have a lot of things to say about that! Kids Eat Right is an organization powered by Registered Dietitians, the nutrition experts, who provide resources solely for parents and teachers. For more information on the campaign visit: 

Another project I am excited about is FOOD DAY 2014! For the second year in a row FLIPANY ( an amazing non-profit in Broward County) was asked to organize the events and promotions for all of Florida. It's an honor and a huge task. This years focus is  "Justice throughout the food chain"- from farm workers to child consumers.  

I am also running a "Back to School" special event throughout August to help parents get back to school healthy and economically. Stay connected : ABCD Eat Right

Most children, globally, receive less than 4 hours of nutrition education PER YEAR. With that statistic alone I have been motivated to spread the word about healthy habits and increasing physical activity and YOU can help! Stay posted with our Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and webpages and help me spread the nutrition information that all parents, teachers and children need. You too can make a difference one post at a time. 

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