Monday, April 20, 2015

Nurturing your creativity, 5 snacks to take to the office and other work day tips

I work out of multiple locations some of which I have my own office and others I consider my car my office. Even though I move around a lot, I like to have plenty of snacks available to help me get through the day until dinner. A typical work day can be filled with stress, low serotonin levels and often low blood sugars if the right foods are not chosen.  I recommend eating a good protein filled breakfast, a light but fiber filled lunch, an afternoon snack (see below) and a well balanced dinner. The more regular you can be with steady meal times, the more consistent your blood sugars will be.

My advice is to skip the afternoon coffee and substitute it with refreshing water and a crunchy snack. Crunchy snacks works to stimulate the senses and get the body going again.When you think crunchy I want you to think past potato chips and look at these five healthy options: 

1.The Good Bean roasted chick pea snacks. My new favorite go-to snack that has protein, fiber and a ton of varieties to choose from. Whether you want something sweet and crunchy or salty and crunchy these beans are a great snack choice.

2. KIND bars are always found in my purse. They are easy to tote around, healthy and delicious. The newer KIND bars have added more of a savory line, which are really different and good but my all time favorite is the dark chocolate sea salt one! Although KIND bars have gotten a recent slap on the hand by FDA due to "healthy claims", as a Registered Dietitian I feel that these type snacks can still be a part of a well balanced diet. Everything in moderation is the key when seeking out a healthy meal plan.

3. Hummus and carrot sticks or whole grain crackers. Sabra has a great on the go pack but it can be just as easy to bring a tub of hummus and keep it at work for the week, refrigerated of course.

4. Apples and bananas with peanut or nut butter. Justin's has a great pouch that is a perfect portion size for the energy packed peanut butter. A sliced apple or banana is another delicious and fiber filled snack.

5. Peeled fruit snacks are one last quick grab snack that I recently purchased at Starbucks. These dried fruit balls were the perfect size and the perfect crunch. Low calorie and fiber filled were a delicious choice for a busy afternoon.

Taking a walk and skipping an afternoon caffeine buzz are other ways to stay healthy throughout the workday. Every day is a creative day waiting to be born so nourish that creativity with healthy and hydrating snacks. 

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